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Paris is one of the most beautiful and romantic cities in the world. It’s no wonder that it’s a popular destination for tourists!

However, if you’re visiting Paris for the first time, there are a few things you need to know to avoid making common mistakes.

I’ll share ten of the most common mistakes people make when visiting Paris for the first time, and we’ll give you some tips on how to avoid them!

1. Not Researching French Customs and Culture

Paris is a culturally rich city, and it’s essential to respect French customs and culture when visiting. Make sure to research traditional French etiquette before visiting to avoid offending locals. Researching can help you better understand the city and its people, too.


2. Underestimating The Cost of Eating Out in Paris

Eating out in Paris can be expensive if you’re unfamiliar with the local cuisine and prices. Make sure to research restaurant prices before visiting to only spend what you have to. It’s also a good idea to look for restaurants that offer cheaper lunch and dinner specials.


3. Not Planning Ahead

Paris has many attractions and activities, so it’s important to plan your trip ahead to make the most out of your visit. Booking tickets or tours in advance can help you avoid long lines and crowds at popular destinations.

Plus, research the best times to visit each attraction and be sure to take advantage of discounts when available.



4. Not Budgeting Properly

Budgeting for Paris is vital when visiting Paris for the first time! Make sure to calculate how much money you need for food, transportation, entertainment, etc., before visiting to have funds during your stay.


5. Not Packing Properly

Next, be sure to pack for Paris properly. Packing for Be sure to pack appropriately for the season you’re visiting, as temperatures can fluctuate significantly in Paris throughout the year. Pack layers and weather-appropriate clothing, so you stay aware of a sudden drop or rise in temperature.


What To Pack For a Solo Trip to Paris


Again, be sure to check out my packing list for solo travelers.


6. Not Buying Museum Passes

Museum passes are an affordable way to save money when visiting popular attractions like The Louvre or Musée d’Orsay. Make sure to consider whether purchasing a museum pass is right for you before visiting!


7. Assuming All of Paris Speaks English

Although many French people understand basic English, it’s still important to try to learn a few common phrases in French before visiting. Doing so will show locals that you’re making an effort to respect their language and culture. You can totally visit Paris without knowing a word of French, but it helps to be prepared!


8. Not Taking Advantage of Public Transportation

Paris’s public transportation system is affordable, efficient, and easy to use! Make sure to purchase a metro pass if you plan on using the Metro or RER lines more than once during your visit.


9. Not Staying Safe

Paris can be a dangerous city if you’re not careful. Be aware of your surroundings and keep your valuables close at all times when visiting. Avoid walking alone at night, especially in unfamiliar areas of the city. Check out this guide here on how to stay safe in Paris. 


10. Forgetting To Have Fun

Paris is a magical city with plenty of things to do and see! Remember to take the time to explore the city and enjoy some of its unique attractions.

Stop by a local cafe, shop in one of its many boutique stores, or visit a charming museum.

Visiting Paris for the first time can be a fantastic experience, but avoiding common mistakes is essential. By following our tips, you’ll be able to have a safe and enjoyable trip while experiencing all that this beautiful city has to offer. 


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