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When you start your travel journey, you need to have a legit plan on how you will pay for your travels.

My mission on this blog is to help you incorporate travel into your life so that you can travel multiple times a year. Basically, traveling internationally whenever the heck you want.

To make this happen, you need to have a way of coming up with the money to travel.

The worst thing you can do is take your money for your bills and spend it on travel. That’s not what my blog is about, and that’s not what I want you to do.

I’m happy to go through this process with you because I know that $1,000 can get you to many corners of the world.

If you want to get serious about budget traveling, download my ebook How To Travel When You’re BROKE. Everything you need to start your journey as a budget traveler.


Create a Savings Plan

saving money as a budget traveler

The first thing you have to do is create a savings plan.

Boring. I know.

But like any other goal in your life, you need to have a plan. You need to know how you are going to accomplish this goal.

I’ll give you two methods you can use to create an effective savings plan.


Savings Method 1:

For method one, you will break up that savings goal over the course of months.

For example, if you decide to save for three months, that will be $333 per month that you would have to save.

If that doesn’t sound good, you can do that over four months, six months, whatever.

If six months work for you, you will need to save $167 per month.

If ten months work for you, that’s $100 a month.

Do you get where I’m going? There’s no rush here, and it’s not a race. It’s all about making it work for you.

Remember, this is just travel. This is supposed to be something fun and enjoyable in your life. It’s not supposed to cause you a headache.


Savings Method 2:

The second method is what I did when I first started traveling and didn’t have a consistent income.

I would save certain aspects of my trip and pay for them one at a time, and then move on to the next. I would do this over the course of three to four months until everything is paid for.

The first thing I usually save for is my plane ticket. For example, if I’m going to Guatemala and my plane ticket is $300. I would focus on saving just $300.

I would try to save for a big purchase like this for about a month or two. Maybe the first week I save $100, the second week I save $10, the third week I save another $100, and The last week I save the rest.

I found that saving for a trip this way was less stressful because I focused on one thing at a time.

Pick whatever method that works for you and follow through on it. The whole point is that you need to have a savings plan.

3 Easy Methods To Saving Money To Travel

tips on saving money to travel the world


How To Travel The World For Free

Now that you have a game plan and know how much money you need to save every month, let’s talk about how you’re going to get the money.

When saving for your trip, you should start right here. First, see what you can get for FREE.

There are many ways to get a free plane ticket, accommodation, and meals (the three biggest parts of your budget).


For example, you can do travel hacking to get a free plane ticket.

  • You can build up points/miles for an airline alliance and put it towards a FREE flight.
  • You can ask your family member and friends if they have miles that they’re not using. I got free miles from my mother for American Airlines.
  • You can apply for a teaching or volunteer abroad program and get a free flight. The teaching program I did a few years back paid for a free round trip flight to Japan.


As for free accommodation:

  • You can do a work exchange program: Use the websites Workaway and Woofing to find positions. Also, you can work as an au pair.
  • Become a housesitter: Use the website Trusted Housesitters to find housesitting positions.
  • Ask friends and family: I got free accommodation with a simple Facebook post. I posted on my Facebook timeline that I was going to Europe. Just from that Facebook post, I was able to find somewhere to stay in London, Belgium, and Amsterdam.

Again, I advise you to start right here. Try to knock off something from your budget because there will be fewer things to save for.


Cutting back/ Saving Money To Travel

traveling for free to save money


When cutting back to save money, I advise you to start with something big, don’t start with the little things that bring you pleasure, like your $3 coffee in the morning or the 99 cents that you spend on a game on your phone.

You would have to cut off a bunch of the “little things,” which will be annoying.

Let’s use the example of having to save $100 per month.

Say that you go out with your girlfriends every Friday night, and you spend about $50. That’s $200 A month!

How about you decide to go with your girlfriends two times a month instead of four?

There you go, you have your $100 saved right there.

Now, what if you need to save $250 per month? Cutting out drinks with your friends will leave you with $150 more to say per month.

So, after you cut off the significant expenses, you can move to the other more minor expenditures in life.

Expenses like getting your nails done, getting your hair done, monthly massage, or facial. Maybe you don’t have to cut out both your hair and nails. And perhaps you don’t have to cut out both your monthly massage and facial.

But you sure can cut out at least one.

Next, consider cutting off monthly memberships like Netflix and Amazon Prime. Do you need three different streaming subscriptions?

This savings process might suck, but it’s just temporary.

Need help saving money?

Download my ebook 70 Simple Ways To Save Money To Travel.


Earn More Money To Travel

earning money to travel and get plane tickets


The next thing you can do is see where you can bring in some money.

There are many different ways of earning money online, and that’s where I think you should invest some of your time now.

Build something online that can bring you an income, and you can put that money towards your travel.

For example, you can open an Etsy shop, start a YouTube, earn money through AdSense, or start a blog.

There are many different things you can do online, so if you have the time now, I highly recommend that you start putting in some hours every week and building something.

Let’s talk about how you can make some money right now. Start with a skill you have and exchange that skill for cash.

Here’s the thing, it can be ANY skill! Don’t overthink this.

For example, hair braiding, babysitting, tutoring, cleaning, decorating, even offer online services.

I can do basic websites and basic graphic designing. I’m not an expert, but the websites that I create and the graphic designs that I do make me money. So I know that since it makes me money, I can use that skill to help someone in their business.

I’m trying to say that whatever skill you have, use that skill to earn money.

Again, it doesn’t matter what it is, from cleaning to braiding hair to building websites. You can offer your services online or offer your services and your community circle.

Use all three of these strategies to help you easily save money to travel.

I’m sure that if you’re intentional about doing the three methods, you will easily save $1,000.

It’s all about having a solid plan and sticking with it.

Let me know if you have any questions below.


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save $1,000 to travel



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