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Her lifestyle travel eating alone in Paris

Planning on solo traveling to Paris but nervous about eating out alone? 

I know firsthand how eating alone can be challenging, even in our home country! When surrounded by couples, friends, and families, many of us feel left out as we wait for our food.

I know your anxiety about eating alone in Paris might be through the roof!

As you can guess, I was nervous about dining alone on my first solo trip to Paris. I even had a little meltdown in my Airbnb the night before my first meal.

But I’m here to tell you that eating alone in Paris is not only doable but can be downright enjoyable! In this article, I’ll share with you 10-tips to help you feel confident dining in Paris.

1. Don’t Feel Sorry for Yourself!

The first and most important thing to remember when eating alone in Paris is not to feel sorry for yourself. You’re in one of the most beautiful cities in the world, and you should enjoy every minute of it.

Eating alone can be an excellent opportunity to slow down, savor your meal, and enjoy your own company. For some reason, many of us perceive that people who dine alone are sad and lonely, but they can be some of the happiest people.

Think about the level of self-love and self-confidence someone has to be willing to dine by themselves.

So, if you find yourself eating alone in Paris, don’t feel sorry for yourself. Instead, enjoy the experience and use it as an opportunity to practice self-love!


2. Find The Right Restaurant

at a restaurant eating alone in Paris

If you’re feeling anxious about eating alone, the last thing you want is to be surrounded by people in a packed, busy restaurant. Look for smaller, more intimate restaurants where you can get cozy and request a table for one.

Before getting to Paris, do some research and make a list of restaurants and cafes that appeal to you. Your excitement about visiting these places will help you override your nervousness about dining alone.

Think about it, if you know that you have a handful of restaurants with the yummiest, most mouth-watering French foods waiting for you, and all you have to do is face your fear of eating alone, trust me, you will follow through. 

Focus more on the fantastic experience of eating in Paris than on the fact that you’re eating by yourself.


3. Dine At Off-Peak Hours

If you want to avoid feeling anxious about eating alone, it’s best to dine during off-peak hours. This way, you can avoid crowds and enjoy the restaurant.

Restaurants in Paris usually begin serving dinner around 6 pm, so consider being one of the first guests before the dinner crowd arrives.

I like to eat an early dinner, around 6 pm or 7 pm. This usually works well because it’s not too late, but most restaurants are up and running. 


4. Bring Something To Keep You Entertained

eating by myself in Paris cafe

If you’re worried about feeling awkward eating alone, bring a book or laptop to keep yourself entertained. This way, you can focus on your book or work on your laptop and not feel awkward or even feel like you have to make small talk with the people around you.

I often like bringing my laptop to cafes to get some work done. This way, I’m productive and don’t feel like I’m wasting time by eating alone.

Of course, if you’d rather people watch and enjoy peace and quiet, that’s perfectly fine too! (That’s my favorite thing to do when dining in Paris!)


5. Start Dining Alone in Your Home Country

If eating alone in Paris sounds too big of a challenge, start by eating alone in your home country. This way, you can ease into the experience and get comfortable with eating solo.

You can start by going to a cafe near your office for lunch or try eating dinner at a restaurant by yourself. You can even begin doing activities alone, such as going to museums, the movies, or shopping.

The more you eat by yourself, the more confident and comfortable you’ll feel eating alone in Paris. Once you’ve conquered eating alone in your home country, you’ll be ready to take on Paris!


6. Always Look Your Best

This next tip might seem unrelated, but you feel best when you look your best. And when you feel your best, you’re more likely to have a great time no matter what you’re doing.

Think about it, if you’re feeling like a million bucks, eating solo in Paris will be a breeze. Your mind won’t go to negative thoughts because you’ll be too busy enjoying the moment.

So take the time to put together a great outfit, do your hair and makeup, and make sure you feel like a Parisian goddess before heading out to eat!


7. Eat at a Variety of Restaurants

a restaurants for eating by yourslef in Paris as a solo traveler

You don’t always have to dine at sit-down restaurants when eating in Paris. There are many other great options, such as fast food restaurants, cafes, and food stalls/street food vendors.

Trying different types of eateries makes eating alone less intimidating, and you can usually grab a quick bite without worrying about feeling awkward.

Plus, it’s a great way to try out different types of food that you might not otherwise eat. So if you’re feeling adventurous, go ahead and try out something new.


8. Book a Food Tour

One thing I love to do when visiting a country for the first time is book a food tour. This is a great way to try out different types of food and learn about the culture. 

Your tour guide will introduce you to foods you would never have tried on your own and will tell you all about the history of French food.

This is an excellent option for solo travelers because it’s a great way to meet new people and learn about the city. And, of course, you’ll get to eat plenty of delicious food!


9. Sit at the Bar

Another way to enjoy eating alone in Paris is to sit at a restaurant bar. This way, you can chat with the bartender and get recommendations for what to order. 

I’ve found that bartenders are often happy to help solo diners have a great experience. They know the menu and can help you find the perfect meal and wine pairing.

Also, meeting other solo diners happy to have a quick chat is common at the bar. And, before you know it, you’ll make new friends in Paris!


10. Strike Up a Conversation

Strike up a conversation when eating alone in Paris

Finally, if you are up for it, start a conversation with another solo dinner nearby. You can ask them to join you for dinner if you’re brave! 

It might sound scary, but you’ll be surprised how many people are open to chatting with a stranger. As a nervous solo traveler, I get SO HAPPY when friendly people approach me and start a conversation. 

And there you have it! 

These are my top 10 tips on how to be confident eating by yourself in Paris. With a bit of planning and preparation, it can be a fun and rewarding experience. 

So don’t let the fear of eating alone keep you from enjoying everything Paris offers.

Bon appetit!

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