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is Paris safe to solo travel?

Is Paris safe to travel ALONE? Better yet, is Paris safe for solo female travelers?!

Simple answer: HECK YES!

When I traveled to Paris solo in 2017, I was so nervous! Not only because it would be my first time in France (and Europe!) but because Paris is notoriously known as being an unsafe city. I had no idea what to expect and if I would be safe.

I’m happy to say that I had an incredible time in Paris and felt safe the entire time.

Like any major city, you must take precautions to ensure your safety, and Paris is no different.

If you’re planning a trip to Paris, I will tell you exactly what you need to do to stay safe. And I’m going to keep this super simple for you. I have five simple rules to follow. Again, I survived my time traveling Paris solo, so follow these simple rules, and you will too!

How To Stay Safe in Paris as a Solo Traveler

is Paris safe to solo travel?

Rule 1: Be Aware of Pickpockets

If there is anything you should worry about when visiting Paris, are pickpockets. Getting pickpocketed as a tourist in Paris is way more common than you can imagine. I have come across so many travelers that have been pickpocketed in Paris. Most people that experience being pickpocketed have their cell phones stolen.

When I when to Paris in 2019, I thought I had lost my cell phone, but when I started to think about it, I guess I was pickpocketed on the train! My cell phone was in my back pocket, which was a bad idea.

Having your items stolen is the worst when on vacation. But there are very simple ways to avoid being pickpocketed in Paris.

The simplest way to avoid being pickpocketed in Paris is to keep your items inside a secure backpack or purse and to be aware of who is standing around you. Don’t have anything in your pockets. Additionally, don’t have anything important in a bag or backpack that people can get in without you knowing.

Pay close attention to who is around you.

I don’t recommend wearing backpacks, especially on the metro, because pickpockets know hoe unzip and get in without your feeling a thing. I recommend using a purse or a cross-body that you can completely control. With these bags, you can see or feel your bag being unzipped.

I usually always have a cross-body like the one below:

You can invest in an anti-theft cross body too:

The best way to avoid being pickpocketed in Paris is NOT to make it easy for people to access your things.


Rule 2: Watch Out for Scammers

watch out for scammers in Paris

The next thing you should watch out for in Paris is scammers. Like the pickpockets, the scammers in Paris are on a whole other level. These scammers are experts and do it as a living. I’m going to go over some common scams in Paris, but here’s a simple way to avoid getting scammed:


And to go even further, if it’s too good to be true, it is.

Common Scams in Paris 

1. Card/Cup Game Scam 

The cad/cup game scam is when someone asks you to play a game with them, and then they will scam you out of your money. They are experts with this scam. They know how to make it look like you lost the game when they were scamming you the whole time. 

So don’t play any card/cup games with strangers in Paris. I mostly see this in Montmartre and the outskirts of Paris.

2. Bracelet Scam 

The bracelet scam is a prevalent scam all over Europe, and I have seen it happen to many people. This is when someone will approach you and ask if they can put a bracelet on your wrist. Once they do, they will then bully you into paying for it.


3. Signing a Petition Scam

The signing of a petition scam is when someone approaches you and asks you to sign a petition to help with a cause. Soon after, the scammer will ask you for a donation. 


4. Flower Scam 

The flower scam is when someone pretends to give you a flower for free, acting like they are simply being friendly to you. Soon after, they will pressure you into giving them money.


5. Metro Tickets Scam 

The metro scam is when someone offers to sell you a metro ticket because they “just got too many.” The scammer will tell you that it’s cheaper than it is. Only buy tickets from the machines or an official ticket booth. 


6. Discounted Attraction Tickets Scam 

This is when someone will approach you and offer to sell you a ticket to the Eiffel Tower or some other tourist attraction for a “discount.” These tickets are always fake, so only buy your tickets from the official website.

So, as I said, ain’t nothing free in Paris. Avoid losing money in Paris by trying to get a discount or freebie.


Rule 3: Don’t Get Drunk With Strangers

don't get drunk with strangers as a solo traveler

Don’t get wasted with strangers. Period. I hate to sound like a nag, but it has to be said. Yes, Paris is known for its romanticism, wine, and champagne, but that doesn’t mean you should get drunk with every stranger you meet.

I’m not saying NOT to drink, but be safe about it. Unfortunately, some people in this world pray on drunk female solo travelers. If you want to drink, do it in a secure public setting like a cafe or bar.

If you enjoy some drinks in Paris, you can take a tour. Not only will you get to drink, but you can also get to mingle with other travelers.

Book a tour in Paris:


Rule 4: Don’t Go Home With People

dont go home with strangers as a solo traveler

Not going home with people is a golden rule for solo female travelers. Again, I don’t want to be a nag, but it’s just the safe way to go.

I know that sometimes we meet people who seem friendly, and we think, “they wouldn’t hurt me.” And then you consider going home with them. We have all been there. But the truth is, you never know. And as a solo traveler, it’s just not worth the risk.

I’m not saying that ALL solo female travelers get hurt when they go home with strangers and that YOU will get hurt. All I’m saying is: why take the chance?

You can meet up with them another time in a public place and get to know each other even more through conversation.

You can also choose to stay at a hostel in Paris if you worry about feeling lonely. This way, you will always be around other people, and you won’t feel as lonely.


Rule 5: Blend In With Parisians

When solo traveling, blend in with French people

The final rule for staying safe in Paris is to blend in with the locals. Pickpockets and scammers will target you if you look like a tourist. So, how do you blend in with the locals?


Dress Like a Parisian

Well, sort of! You don’t have to go completely Parisian. For the most part, the Parisian dress is chic and stylish but also simple at the same time. Avoid looking like a tourist by not wearing any super obvious tourist clothing like Hawaiian shirts or anything with your country’s flag, clothing with labels all over it, and so on.

Also, avoid wearing super expensive-looking jewelry or watches. You don’t want to attract too much attention to yourself.

Keep your outfits simple yet stylish, and you will fit in perfectly.


Here Are Some Pieces You Can Wear in Paris:



Don’t Speak English Loudly

Another way to blend in is by not speaking English loudly, particularly on the metro. You don’t want to bring attention to yourself as a tourist, and even worse, a SOLO female tourist. You don’t want to make it easy for pickpockets and scammers.

Americans tend to speak louder than Europeans, so be aware of that and keep your voice down. Also, speak French as much as possible, and avoid speaking English to locals unless they speak English first.


Don’t Look Lost 

Another dead giveaway you are a tourist is if you look lost and confused. Try always to look like you know where you are going, even if you have no idea. Just act confident, look straight ahead, and walk quickly. 

If you need to stop and look at Google Maps, do it quickly and then move on. Pickpockets and scammers look for easy targets, and someone who seems lost is an easy target. 


What You Need To Stay Safe in Paris

what you need when solo traveling Paris

World Nomads Travel Insurance

Travel insurance is the first thing you need before solo traveling anywhere. Why? Because it will protect you in case of an emergency.

You never know what can happen when solo traveling, so it’s always better to be safe than sorry. World Nomads is one of the most popular travel insurance companies among solo travelers, and for a good reason. They are affordable and reliable, and they have significant coverage.

I have used them many times while solo traveling, and I have always been happy with their service. I recommend getting the Explorer plan, which covers solo travelers for up to $100,000.


World Nomad’s Explorer Plan:

Solo travel Paris with World Nomads travel insurance


Have an International SIM Card

It’s essential to stay connected when solo traveling Paris and the best way to do that is with an international SIM card. This will allow you to use your phone without worrying about substantial roaming charges.

You can purchase a SIM card from Airalo online and have it mailed directly to your house! Your phone will be ready to use even before hopping on your flight to Paris.

Airalo offers 1-10 GB of high-speed data from $5-$22.50. They have various plans to choose from depending on your needs.


Airalo Data Plans You Can Choose From:

SIM card options for solo travelers

Source: Airalo.com


Book a Safe Place To Stay 

When solo traveling, you want to make sure you are staying in a safe place. You can choose to stay at a hotel, Airbnb, or hostel. It doesn’t matter. What matters is the safety of the accommodation. 

solo travel in Paris Airbnb

Tips on Picking a Safe Place To Stay in Paris

  • Pick a location that has a lot of traffic
  • Do your research on the area before booking anything
  • Thoroughly read reviews from other travelers
  • Ensure the place has good security (i.e., working locks on doors, windows, etc.)
  • Know that if it looks TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, then it probably is!
  • Call/message the accommodation and ask a question to get the vibe of the staff and see if they are helpful and friendly


I never stayed at a hostel in Paris, but I have stayed at a hotel and a handful of Airbnbs.

If it’s your first time in Paris, I recommend booking the hotel Lorette – Astotel. it’s affordable, the staff is friendly and helpful, and it’s in a great neighborhood. I also felt pretty safe there.

best hotel for solo female travelers in Paris

Whatever you choose, make sure you do your research and pick a safe place to stay.


Buy a Portable Door Lock 

A portable door lock gives you extra security, which is excellent for solo traveling. The door lock prevents unauthorized entry because your door can’t be opened from the outside.

This door lock is simple to install and remove, requiring no tools in any situation. To use it, you attach the metal piece to the door lock slot and then position the red handle groove against the metal sheet’s stud. Now, your door can only be opened from within.


Buy a Door Stop Alarm

You can get a door stop alarm if you want to take it further. The door stopper alarm will sound as soon as someone opens your door, frightening intruders and giving you time to find help. It has a compact design that makes it easy to transport. It’s tiny enough to fit in your pocket or handbag. Also, it is easy to install and can do it in seconds.

So what do you think? Are you still worried about traveling to Paris alone? Staying safe in Paris solo doesn’t have to be difficult if you follow these five simple rules.

Use your common sense, trust your gut, and you will be fine!


FAQ: Is Paris Safe to Travel Alone

solo travel Paris

Q: How Do I Keep My Money Safe?

A: The best way to keep your money safe is to not have too much money on you at one time and to have a secure bag. There is no need to have more than 100-200 euros on you at any point because many places in Paris accept debit and credit cards.

Additionally, you should store your cash and cards in different places. Don’t have everything in your wallet so that god forbid you to get pickpocketed, you don’t lose everything.

You can also keep your money in a hidden place, like a money belt or hidden pocket.


Q: Is It Safe To Walk Around Paris Alone?

A: It is safe to walk around Paris alone during the daytime. However, solo travelers should exercise caution at night and in unfamiliar neighborhoods. If you are going to walk at night, do it in busy touristy locations in Paris.


Q: Is It Safe To Take the Metro Alone in Paris?

A: Yes, the metro is safe to take alone, but solo travelers should always be aware of their surroundings. Avoiding traveling the metro late at night is also a good idea. There are many women on the metro in Paris, don’t worry.


Q: Is It Safe To Stay in a Hostel When Solo Traveling in Paris?

A: Yes, it’s common for solo female travelers to stay in hostels in Paris. Just make sure to do your research ahead of time and read reviews from other solo travelers.


Q: Should I Date When Traveling to Paris by Myself?

A: Sure you can, but be extremely careful. While solo travel can be an excellent opportunity to meet new people, it’s essential to use caution.

Meeting dates in a public place is always the best idea and if possible, try to meet up with someone you have vetted online. Trust your gut instinct- if something feels off, it probably is. And again, don’t go home with strangers! I don’t care how friendly they are.


Q: How To Make Friends in Paris?

A: There are many ways to make friends in Paris! A great way is to join social media groups for solo travelers or meetups in Paris. This way, you can connect with other solo travelers before your trip and maybe even meet up with them while you’re in town!

Additionally, many hostels have social events where you can meet other travelers. And, of course, simply striking up conversations with people you meet while out and about is a great way to make friends.

You can also take cooking classes, wine tastings, or language courses. You can even book a tour such as a food tour or a walking tour. These are all great ways to meet people with similar interests while solo traveling in Paris.


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Paris safe for solo travelers?

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