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solo travel Paris

If you’re thinking about planning a solo trip to Paris in 2023, this guide is for you! Solo travel can be a great way to see the world and meet new people, but it can also be daunting.

When I took my solo trip to Paris in 2017, you better believe I was overwhelmed by the trip planning process, not to mention the fear of navigating Paris alone.

I’ve put together this guide to help make your trip planning as easy and enjoyable as possible. I’ll give you the six steps you need to plan your trip alone in Paris, including what to see and do, where to stay, and more!

Step1: Decide When To Visit Paris

solo travel Paris tips

When planning a trip to Paris, there’s no wrong time to go. The city is lovely all year round, each season offering something unique and special. Here’s a rundown of the best things to see and do in Paris during each season. 


Winter in Paris

If you’re looking for a truly magical experience, plan your trip to Paris during the winter. The city takes on a new atmosphere when it’s blanketed in snow, and there are few things more dreamy than strolling down the Champs-Élysée. Just be sure to pack your warmest clothing!


Spring in Paris

Spring is an ideal time to visit Paris if you’re interested in doing some shopping. Not only are the temperatures milder than in winter, but many stores also have sales during this time. Watch the famous twice-yearly sales periods known as Les Soldes d’Hiver (winter sales) and les Soldes d’Été (summer sales).

solo travel Paris

Summer in Paris

Summer is the peak tourist season in Paris, so expect large crowds if you choose to travel during this time of year. But there are also plenty of benefits to visiting during summer, including longer days, outdoor markets, and open-air terraces where you can enjoy a glass of wine or two.


Fall in Paris 

Fall is a great time to visit Paris if you’re looking for deals on flights and hotels. Many people visit Paris during this time of year because of the cooler temperatures.

And there’s nothing better than sipping hot cocoa while taking in the stunning Fall foliage at one of Paris’s many parks or gardens.

No matter what time of year you visit Paris, you’re sure to have a magical experience. Each season brings something unique to the city, so pick the time that works best for you.

I love visiting Paris during the Fall for the cool temperatures, fewer crowds, and amazing flight deals. But again, you can visit Paris anytime during the year and have a fantastic time.


Step 2: Decide How Long To Visit Paris

solo travel Paris

Your next step is to decide how long you want to stay in Paris. This will depend on several factors, including your budget, available time, and what you want to see and do while in the city. And, of course, the main decider is how much time you can get off work!

I recommend visiting Paris for 5-7 days for first-time visitors to Paris. This will give you enough time to see the city’s most famous sights without feeling rushed or like you’re missing out on anything. Of course, if you have more time available, feel free to stay for longer.

I stayed in Paris for a month last summer! Paris is a city that can be enjoyed again and again, and there’s always something new to see and do.

solo traveling Paris

If you only have a limited amount of time or are on a tight budget, you may want to consider visiting Paris for a long weekend instead.

While you won’t be able to see and do everything, you can still enjoy all the city has to offer. Plan your trip carefully so you make the most of your time!

Now that you’ve decided when to visit Paris and how long you want to stay, it’s time to create a trip budget. Having a realistic trip budget that you can stick to is crucial for any trip, but especially for a solo trip. After all, you’ll be the one responsible for paying for everything!


Step 3: Create a Realistic Trip Budget

solo travel Paris

This part of the trip planning process will take some work (doing research), but I promise it will all be worth it. As a solo traveler managing your money is very important, to say the least! Running out of money while traveling in Paris would not be fun.

You should know precisely how much your solo trip to Paris will cost to set aside the appropriate amount of money.

Below are ten things you need to get the cost and ultimately create a trip budget for Paris. I will go through each trip aspect and tell you how to create a realistic trip budget.

By the way, I created an entire video on how much Paris costs and will show you how to create a budget. You can watch it here.


1. Flight

The first aspect you should look into, and honestly, the most expensive element of your trip, is your flight. Since you have already decided when you will visit Paris and for how long, you can now visit a search engine site like Skyscannner.com (my favorite) or Google.com/flight and get an estimate of how much your flight will cost.

Simply enter your potential travel dates and see what comes up. Be sure to look out for other charges such as baggage, seat assignment, meals on the plane, etc. Once you have an estimate for your flight, you can enter it in your budgeting template.


2. Accommodation

Next, you need to find a place to stay in Paris. Here are your accommodation options:


Hotel ($80 -$200 per night):

Solo travelers can find great hotel deals on websites like Hotelscombined or Hotels.com. My favorite website to book a hotel is Hotelcombined. When looking for a hotel, thoroughly read the reviews, look at the location on a map, and compare rates.

By the way, I highly recommend Lorette – Astotel Hotel. It is in a great location, the staff is super helpful and friendly, and it is affordable.

Also, it has a fantastic breakfast buffet!

best hotel for solo female travelers in Paris

Source: Hotelscombined.com


Hostel ($25-$45 per night)

Hostels are an excellent option for solo travelers as they offer dorm-style rooms and a fun and social atmosphere. You can find hostels on websites like Hostelworld.


Airbnb ($60- $150 per night)

Airbnb is another popular accommodation option for solo travelers as it offers a more authentic experience and often costs less than a hotel.

For my solo trip to Paris, I rented a private room on Airbnb, which was an incredible experience. I usually stay at Airbnb when I visit Paris, and I highly recommend Airbnbs over hotels.


Couchsurfing (Free)

Couchsurfing is a great way to meet locals and save money on accommodation costs. You can find hosts in Paris on the Couchsurfing website. I’ve never done Couchsurfing, but I’ve heard great things about the experience.

Once you’ve found a few accommodation options, compare the prices and choose the option that fits your budget and travel style. 


3. Activities

solo travel Paris Montmartre

Now that you have your flights and accommodation budget figured out, it’s time to start looking into the cost of activities. Solo travelers often worry about being bored when traveling solo, but there are lots of great things to do when traveling solo in Paris.

Below is a list of the best things to do in Paris. As prices constantly change, please visit the official websites to find the current cost. Combine some paid activities with free activities to create a well-rounded trip.


Top Activities to do in Paris


If you are planning on doing lots of activities in Paris, you should consider purchasing The Paris Pass, which allows you to attend over 80 attractions in 1, 2, or 3-day passes. 

Some attractions included in the Paris Pass are The Louvre, Musée d’Orsay, Palace of Versailles, Picasso Museum, Arc de Triomphe, Sainte-Chapelle, and Cheese tasting at Ô Chateau.

Paris Pass for solo travelers

Source: Parispass.com/en-us


4. Food

eating in Paris as a solo female traveler

Next, you need to factor food into your budget. Solo travelers often worry about eating alone in Paris, but it’s easy to find places to eat alone and not feel lonely.

Some great places to eat alone in Paris include cafes, bakeries, and ice cream shops. When traveling solo, I often like to eat at cafes as they have great food, and it’s easy to find a seat.

Solo travelers can also find great food at food markets, which are great places to try local specialties.

To help you budget for food, visit the website Numbeo.com for the exact food costs in Paris. I know it’s super detailed, but it allows you to create a realistic budget.


Source: Numbeo.com



5. Getting Around Paris

solo female travel Paris

The next thing you need to factor into your budget is transportation. Paris has an excellent public transportation system, which makes it easy and affordable to get around the city.

You can purchase single tickets or a Paris Visite Pass (unlimited day passes) to use the public transportation system.

Before we get into the exact cost of transportation in Paris, you should understand that Paris is separated into zones (1-5), and the price of getting around Paris is based on the zones you want to visit and the length of time. 

You will spend most of your time in zones 1-3 and enter zones 4-5 for the international airports, Disneyland Paris, Palace of Versailles, etc.)

Below is an image of zones 1-5 in Paris. Again, you will spend most of your time in zones 1-3. 


Paris Tour travel pass

Source: https://www.ratp.fr/en


To get around zones 1-3, you will use the metro, bus, or tram. Here’s what is cost: 


Paris (Zones 1-3): (Metro, Bus, Tram)

Paris Metro

  • Single ride: €1.90
  • Pack of 10 one-way tickets: €14.90
  • Unlimited Day Pass: €7.50


If you’re visiting Paris for less than a week, I recommend you buy the pack of 10 one-way tickets. Paris is such a walkable city that you probably won’t need to take the metro too often.

I always return to the U.S. with a handful of unused metro tickets!


RER (train, zones 4-5)

RER train system in Paris

Next, you will have to budget for your round-trip ticket from the airport to Paris. The airports are in zones 4-5. You will use the RER trains, which are a different train system and have a different cost. 

Here is the estimated cost to both major airports in the Paris city center:

  • RER:  CDG airport into the city: €10.30
  • RER:  ORY airport into the city: €12.10

*All prices are accurate from October 2022

If you are arriving at CDG airport, you will take the RER into Paris, and if you need to, you may have to transfer to the metro to get to your final destination.

As for the ORY airport, you will have to take the Orlyval line to Anthony station and transfer to the RER line to get into Paris. And you may have to take the metro to your final destination.

I can’t give you exact prices because I would need your accommodation address, but the prices above are a great start!

Other than your airport trip, if you plan on leaving Paris for attractions such as Disneyland Paris and The Palace of Versailles, you should include that in your budget. 


Paris Visite Travel Pass

Now, if you are planning to be a busybody in Paris, you should consider buying a Paris Visite Pass. This pass allows unlimited metro and train rides for the length of your stay in all zones.

Consider getting this pass if you are in Paris for a short time and want to see and do as much as possible. I have never used this pass because I’m a slow traveler, and I would end up losing money. 

Here is the cost of the passes based on the zones and length of time:

Source: https://www.ratp.fr/en

Remember that there are also other options, such as Uber rides and bike rentals. However, these will cost more than the public transportation system in Paris.

These are your options for transportation in Paris. Create a budget that works for you, and add it to your budgeting template.


6. Travel Insurance 

Solo travel Paris with World Nomads travel insurance

Source: Worldnomads.com

Solo travelers should never leave their country without travel insurance! If you need to be hospitalized or flown home for any reason (God forbid!), you will be glad you have it. 

I recommend World Nomads for solo travelers. I’ve been a customer of World Nomads for years, and I’ve never had any issues when I’ve had to make a claim.

You can also check out Insuremytrip.com, a comparison site that allows you to compare travel insurance plans side-by-side.


7. Visa

Chances are, you won’t need a visa to enter France as the U.S. or Canadian citizen. However, it’s always best to double-check the visa requirements before you book your flight and accommodations. Check out Visa HQ to see if you need a tourist visa to enter France.


8. Vaccine 

There are no mandatory vaccines for entering France for U.S. citizens, but it’s always a good idea to consult with your doctor or travel clinic before your trip. Check in with your country’s embassy in Paris for the most up-to-date travel information.


9. Supplies 

packing for solo traveling Paris

Now, you will need to budget for supplies when in Paris. I won’t get into this too much as I created an entire packing guide for travelers going to Paris alone, which you can check out here. But in general, you should budget for things like:


What to Pack For  Solo Trip to Paris


Again, be sure to check out my packing list for solo travelers.


10. Emergency fund

Finally, the last aspect of your trip you need to budget for is an emergency fund. It would be best if you prepared for the unexpected, which means having extra funds in an emergency.

You need to have enough money or credit to book a new flight or accommodations if needed. I always recommend having at least $1,000 in your emergency fund, but I know that some solo travelers like to have even more.

Add up all ten aspects of your trip, and now you will know your budget for your solo trip to Paris! I know this process was tough, but knowing how much your trip will cost and budgeting for it is crucial to a stress-free and enjoyable solo trip!


Step 4: Figure Out How You Will Pay for Your Solo Trip

Now that you know how much your trip will cost, how will you pay for it? I know that you are probably a working girl, and like the rest of us, you need to have a plan to save or even earn more money.

Most of us don’t have an extra $1,500 hanging around to book a trip to Paris! I won’t get too much into making money or saving money to travel, but here are a few ideas:


5 Tips on How To Pay for Your Solo Trip to Paris

  • Start a travel fund and have a certain amount of money automatically deposited each month.


  • Look for creative ways to make extra money, such as freelancing, pet-sitting, opening an Etsy store, or getting a second job.


  • Cut back on unnecessary expenses such as eating out, shopping, and entertainment.


  • Save your tax return, birthday money, and holiday bonuses to put toward your trip.


  • Your ultimate goal is to keep up with your spending and make paying for your trip a priority!


Be sure to download my free e-book, 70 simple ways to save for your trip.

Now that you know how much your trip will cost and how you will pay, it’s time to start booking your Solo Trip to Paris!


Step 5: Book Your Trip to Paris

Now that you have all your money saved, it’s time to go ahead and book your trip to Paris! This is arguably the most exciting part of planning your solo trip to Paris.

Start by booking your flight, and then move on to booking your accommodation. As I mentioned, you can use sites like Skyscanner and Google Flights to compare flight prices. 

Then you must buy travel insurance and supplies, book activities that need to be pre-booked, and pay for any additional trip expenses.

Finally, you need to register with the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program. This is a service set up by the U.S. government to help keep American citizens safe when they travel abroad.

And that’s it! You have now successfully planned and booked your solo trip to Paris!


Step 6: Prepare for Your Solo Trip to Paris

Now that you have your trip booked, it’s time to start preparing for your trip to Paris. This is when you need to start packing, getting your travel documents in order, and tying up any loose ends at home.


Things To Do When Preparing for a Solo Trip to Paris


  • Use my packing guide to ensure you have everything you need for your trip. Check the weather and start packing at least a week before your trip. 



  • If you are traveling from the U.S., ensure your passport is up to date and will not expire while in Paris.


  • If you are taking medication, get enough to last your entire trip and then some.


  • Make copies of your passport, Driver’s license, and travel insurance information and keep them separate from your originals.


  • Call your bank and let them know you will be traveling so they don’t freeze your card. 


  • Create a trip itinerary so you can have a game plan you are excited about.


  • Send family and friends all your contact information for where you will stay in Paris, as well as your itinerary, so they can know where you are at all times in case of an emergency.


  • Make sure you tie up loose ends at home, work, or with your loved ones so that you can have a relaxed and enjoyable trip.


  • Finally, you should start building up your confidence to visit Paris alone (if you need to!) I was nervous about navigating Paris alone and getting lonely. But in the end, it was one of my life’s most freeing and empowering experiences.


I hope this guide helped you start to plan your trip to Paris in 2023! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to comment below with any questions. 


Solo Traveling in Paris- FAQs

solo travel Paris

Q: Is Paris a Solo Traveler Friendly City?

A: Yes! I found Paris to be a very Solo Traveler Friendly City. I never felt unsafe, and there are plenty of things to do as a Solo Traveler.


Q: What are the best things to do as a Solo Traveler in Paris?

A: Here are a few of my favorite things to do as a Solo Traveler in Paris:

  • Walking around and exploring all the different arrondissements (neighborhoods)
  • Going into cafes and bars and people watching
  • Take yourself on a picnic in one of the many parks
  • Taking a day trip to somewhere outside of Paris
  • Going to a museum or art gallery
  • Getting lost (in a safe way!) and explore


Q: What are some tips for solo Traveling in Paris?

A: Here are a few Solo Traveling Tips for Paris:

  • Learn some key French phrases before you go
  • Be aware of your surroundings, especially at night
  • Don’t flash your valuables around
  • Keep your bag close to you and zipped up
  • Carry a copy of your passport with you
  • Know where your embassy is located


Q: What should I do if I get lonely in Paris?

A: If you start to feel lonely in Paris, here are a few things you can do:

  • Talk to the locals! 
  • Join a walking tour or other group activity
  • Go to a cafe or bar by yourself and strike up a conversation with the person next to you
  • Visit a museum or art gallery
  • Attend a meetup for Solo Travelers
  • Write in your journal


Q: What are some things I should avoid doing when visiting Paris?

A: Here are a few things to avoid doing when visiting Paris:

  • Don’t dress like a tourist. Fit in with the locals by dressing more conservatively and not wearing things that scream “tourist.”
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for directions! People in Paris are happy to help.
  • Don’t try to see everything in one trip! Paris is a massive city with so much to offer. Try to focus on one arrondissement (neighborhood) per day.
  • Don’t overspend. Paris can be a costly city. Stick to a budget and be mindful of your spending.


Again, I hope this solo traveler’s guide to Paris was helpful! If you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out to me. I would love to help you plan your solo trip to Paris.


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Solo Travel Paris in 2023

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